## Presence Simulator ##

# General settings

# Initially enable the simulation or wait for a manual activation
initial.enabled = 0

# Time defining when the recalculation of random times should be done
# The time is in the format 'hh:mm'
# If empty no recalculation will be done
recalculation.time = 

# An Id defining the location for which weather data (especially sunrise
# and sunset times) is requested. For more information look at:
# https://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/guide/concepts.html
# To find out a woeid for your location visit http://woeid.rosselliot.co.nz/lookup/
weather.woeid = 

# Fallback values used if connection to the weather service fails
weather.fallback.sunrise = 07:00
weather.fallback.sunset = 16:30

# Settings for the presence simulator
# Each key consists of:
#  - prefix:		'actuator' and 'sensor' supported
#  - device id:		the database id of the desired device
#  - message type:	the DeviceMessageType that should be used for sending the device request
#  - randomization:	Optional value (in minutes). Only available for 'actuator' If greater than 0 the start and end time is in the interval [time - random value, time + random value]
# The key looks like <prefix>.<device id>.<message type>[.<randomization value>]
# If 'actuator' then the value can have one of the following formats:
#  - time only:		HH:mm (eg. '10:00')
#  - time range:	HH:mm-HH:mm (eg. '10:00-11:00')
#  - time range:	HH:mm+m (eg. '10:00+3' is equal to '10:00-10:03')
# A time range is only valid for devices that only have 2 possible DevieMessageTypes
# (the given DeviceMessageType is activated at the 'start' of the range and the other
# one is activated at the 'end' of the range)
# If 'sensor' then the value can be one of the following:
#  - 'on':		HH:mm (eg. '10:00')
#  - 'off':	HH:mm-HH:mm (eg. '10:00-11:00')
# In combination with a set "weather.woeid" the following vaiables can be used:
#  - '<sunrise>'		Sunrise time for the given location
#  - '<sunset>'			Sunset time for the given location
# These variables will be replaced by the retrieved value for the given location.

#actuator.1.MDC_AI_FLAG_SENSOR_SWITCH_ON = 10:00-11:00,11:30+5